My only business is to Love, right now, God. My spiritual development is not my business, it’s His business. Ayana also means the way: the way to attain God, the Cosmic Love, is to Love.So the goal is God and the way is God, the goal is Love and the way is Love, but if we add in Namo, even the way is not may business. Your duty, your dharmam, and the purpose of the soul, is to love God.Ĥ. It’s by His Grace that you’re on this path. How it will bem how it will look, that’s your business.The soul is only subsevient to God. Ayana also means the goal: so the goal of the Soul is to become one with God, to attain God, to love God, but if you add Namo (not mine), the responsibility to attain the goal is not mine but His. God is infinitely close and infinitely far away.ģ. Just OM Namo Narayanaya shows the grand paradox of God. God is everything, and you can’t limit Him. Some say God is not this or that, but it doesn’t make sense, because you’re limiting Him. Some people say He is only Christ, He is only Krishna, He’s only Allah. God is beyond everything, you can’t limit Him at all. God does not care about any duality, about good and bad, because God is both and beyond both. He is intimately part of His creation, He is in every thought, every part of the body, every person in front of you, in your breath, in your heart.

This is to show that God is smaller than the smallest, and bigger than the biggest. He who rests in the Soul, He who rests in His creation. That’s to remind us that we cannot control God, that we are so infinitely small.Ģ. Like looking at a mountain, you can’t conquer a mountain. This knowledge that God is beyond His creation is meant to invoke awe in us. God is still beyond that because He is not bound by His creation. Once talking to Guruji, he said, “No, creation is infinitive and God is creating new creation.

You might think that creation had an end. That means that God is beyond creation, but creation is infinitive and is infinitely creating new creation, so God is infinitely beyond the infinite creation. Which means that God is present where other things are not present. Whatever you think of, big or small, God is already there, and even beyond it. This means that everything and everywhere at any time is God. The Atma rests inside God (all creation is inside God). Nara is the drop and Narayana is the ocean.ġ. The difference between the Soul and God is not in quality, but in quantity. Now, what is eternal in humans? It is the Soul, the Atma. Nara means also human, like Narasimha, which means Man-Lion. Whatever is eternal is Divine and the other way around, whatever is Divine is eternal. Nara means imperishable or eternal which is a quality of the Divine. “Namo” means also ‘I give my respect, my salutation’. For example, Om Namo Narayanaya and OM Narayana Namaha are both correct. It’s the same as Nama or Namaha, and it depends where the word is in the sentence (just grammatically).

What does “OM” mean? ( >klick here) What does “Namo” mean? We are not subserviant to our lower self, we only belog to God. This is really nice, because that means that our soul doesn’t belong to our emotions, to our limited mind, to our body, to our desires, or to our karma, or to this world, but is ever free, it belongs only to God. So OM itself means the Atma belongs only to God, only to Lakshmi Narayana. And M comes from the Sanskrit word „Mah“, which means „mine“. M – stands for the Atma, because M is the 25th letter in the Sanskrit alphabet, and the 25th tattwa of creation (which means essence) is the Soul. U – means „only“ or it means Maha Lakshmi, because where Narayana is, Maha Lakshmi is also there. In our Sri Sampradaya, which is our Vaishnava tradition, the OM in Om Namo Narayanaya means:Ī – stands for Narayana, Maha Vishnu, because A is the first letter also in the Sanskrit alphabet, and as Jesus says that „I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the first and the last“, so as A is first, Narayana is first, He is the first cause of everything. Keep in mind here that the Snaskrit OM sign is literally translated as AUM, however the pronunciation is OM. Silcence – Turya, the supreme Conciousness, beyond the Gunas.

In the Vedas it is explaned like this: A-Brahma (rajas), U – Vishnu (sattvas), M – Shiva (tamas). OM itself is the primordial Consciousness, it’s Lakshmi Narayana, it’s Shiva Shakti, it’s the Oneness, and because it’s Oneness, each tradition can have its own interpretation.